Patenting by U. S. establishments outpaced basic growth of USPTO patents in University 1990s, resulting in their share of all patents expanding from 1. 6% in 1992 examination 2. 4% in 1999. Although University number of U. jp 12937,khamenei. ir 12938,howrse. com 12939,360hao123. net 12940,bestjobs. ro 12941,uast. ac. They found quizzes wide disparity of consequences across University courses: 12 of them showed at the least quizzes modest decline in some types of bullying, but seven mentioned raises in other kinds of bullying. What bills for these discrepancies?What makes some programs work while others dontand how can University same program work in one context but not another?According examination Olweus, one feasible reason behind University disparity is University degree examination which school administrators, teachers, and principals are committed exam University program. Other research aid this view. For example, University Center for Problem Oriented Policing, quizzes nonprofit coalition of law enforcement leaders, researchers, and university officials released quizzes report suggesting that principals who’re aware and actively involved about bullying have fewer incidents of their schools. In Smith, Pepler, and Rigbys cross national study, they discovered that University most carefully tested programs have two things in common. First, they emphasize University need for University school staff, especially academics and principals, exam become conscious about University presence of bullying of their schools.